Friday, June 20, 2008

Just so you know

Short Circuit is a watered down version of I, Robot.

This is worth going to hell for.

If loving you is wrong...well, this just ain't right.

And this is just because I love you all.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Tagged - Mutual of Omaha Style

So, I got tagged by someone in the Lewd Enlightenment business. Here goes...

P.S. No other bloggers have been tagged in the making of this post.

What were you doing five years ago?
1.) tae kwon do
2.) working on my Master's degree
3.) working for the Lord
4.) hating President Bush
5.) picking up kids from daycare

What are five things (in no particular order) on your to-do list for today?
1.) stay awake
2.) add comments to the content review form
3.) write content for the office tech wiki
4.) check if our latest podcasts are online
5.) go home and nap

What are five snacks you enjoy?
1.) chocolate - all forms
2.) popcorn
3.) hummus
4.) macadamia nuts
5.) fruit

What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1.) make Dave my house husband
2.) make sure our parents and good friends are set up nicely
3.) buy a condo in Cozumel
4.) start a charity
5.) go to work

What are five of your bad habits?
1.) nailbiting
2.) the snooze button
3.) dissing myself
4.) not balancing the checkbook
5.) carbs

What are five places you have lived?
1.) Fairdale, ky
2.) Bullitt county, ky
3.) Highlands, Louisville, ky
4.) Clifton, Louisville, ky
5.) Crescent Hill, Louisville, ky

What are five jobs you have had?
1.) media intern
2.) internal communications intern
3.) dough maker (Little Caesar's inside a Kmart)
4.) technical manual writer
5.) new media specialist

8 word poem

You’re publicly weird.
I’m closet weird.

It’s scarier.


By Heather McClure
