Friday, November 30, 2007

8 is upright infinity

I was tagged by the Incredulous One.
The assignment: Write about certain topics in blocks of 8.

8 passions in my life:

Making memories with the Old Man
Laughing with dear friends
Music, music, music
Gaining perspective from other folks' point of view
My minions
Pop culture geekery

8 things to do before I die:

Travel even more
Build a cob house
Learn to paint
Train seeing eye dogs
Make the world a better place
Get more tattoos
Shrivel up
Go to hell

8 things I often say:

Hey, Old Man.
Your momma's ass.
Bad dog!
Here it is.
What the fuck?

8 books I read recently (or am still reading):

The Last Night of the Earth Poems - Bukowski
Come on in - Bukowski
The Great Shark Hunt - HST
A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
The Third Policeman - Flann O'Brien
Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

8 songs that mean something to me:

Man Who Sold the World - Nirvana
Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven (the most beautiful thing in the world)
On the Other Side of Jordan - The Bridges
Midnight Cowboy - Faith No More
Godzilla theme - Akira Ifukube
Haw - Sixteen Horsepower
House of the Rising Sun - The Animals
Rusty Cage - Johnny Cash

8 qualities I look for in a friend:

Patient listener when I get all hyped up and weird
Respects my proclivity for sleeping late
Open minded
Respect for others, regardless of station in life
Possible kidney donor


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