Saturday, August 05, 2006

Mother Pus Bucket

I was tagged by the ever lovely artist formerly known as Pusboy. The challenge is to reveal 5 weird things about oneself. Here goes.

1. I can predict the future. It doesn't always work, but I'm fearfully accurate at times. Sometimes it comes in dreams, sometimes it's just a vibe. I don't choose what I see, it just happens. I gots me the shine.

2. I used to think that "Kotex" was a Texas oil company.

3. My soul is perfectly at peace. I have no urge to go down in history, or a driving need to accomplish certain things before a certain time. I feel if there is such a thing as reincarnation, I have already been around many times, and am ready to call it a day and head for Nirvana. The more people I meet, the more I realize that inner peace is weird and rare.

4. I talk to my animals in a voice that I will never let another human hear me use. It is a lot like Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

5. I used to put hamsters in a sink full of water to watch them fill their little cheek pouches with air and float. Yeah, it was cruel, and I feel bad. Sorry Nimitz, Bixin, and Tripes! I was only 10 at the time. I figured they liked floating in the pool as much as I did. =(

So that's it for my weirdness. Let's see what Todd, Eek, and Steve have to offer!


Blogger yournamehere said...

I'll get right on that. Now that you're all tatted up, you probably think you can kick my ass.

12:56 AM  

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